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Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research is the largest competitive fund scheme in Japan that financially supports academic research in the field of higher education, and its acquisition is now indispensable for the continuous development of research activities. The Integrated URA Office provides various supports to encourage researchers to obtain stable Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
For the latest information on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, please visit our dedicated website.

As support for obtaining large-scale external funds other than Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, we plan and conduct, application briefings and mock hearings (interview screening preparation) for the following research promotion projects by competitive research funding agencies.

Support for Obtaining Contract Research Funding

Contract research is a system whereby university faculty members are commissioned to conduct research on a specific research topic by a company or other entity (contractor), which pays the research expenses, while the results are reported to the contractor. The Integrated URA Office performs the following acquisition supports mainly for contract research sponsored by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED).

1) Briefing Session

With the aim of increasing awareness of the following contract research projects, the number of applications, and the acceptance rate, we provide briefing sessions including an overview of projects and narratives of successful applicants inform researchers about the projects and share know-how on how to apply for the projects.
・Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST, PRESTO, ACT-X
・Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) FOREST
・Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) CREST, PRIME

2) Research Proposal Support

With the aim of supporting young researchers in obtaining large-scale external funding, we provide support in preparing research proposals for the following contract research projects.
・Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) PRESTO
・Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) FOREST
・Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) PRIME

〇 Details of Support
The responsible URA will add comments (and make corrections, if necessary) on the research proposal (not the research content, but the textual presentation, organization, clarity, legibility of figures, etc.) and return it to the applicant.
*Not a format check.

3) Hearing Support

For researchers who applied for the following contract research projects and will undergo a hearing review, we provide mock hearings by other HU researchers so that the applicant can practice using the presentation materials, and review the presentation content, prepare for question-and-answer sessions, and so on.
・Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST, PRESTO, ACT-X
・Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) FOREST
・Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) CREST, PRIME

We promote new regional cooperation activities that leverage the strengths of HU as a comprehensive university.

Practical Support Program for Local Studies

We support graduate students who are proactively engaged in solving problems at localarea in cooperation with local communities and organizations in Hokkaido, with the focus on investigations and research.

Eligibility Master’s, professional degree, and doctoral degree students currently enrolled at HU
Amount of support Travel: 100,000 yen; Consumables: 50,000 yen
Adoption period Single fiscal year
Application period April to May annually (tentative)

Click here for details on the FY2024 open call.
*Reference: Last year’s public call and results reporting session

To assist HU researchers in publishing their papers, we offer support for submission fees and dissemination of research results, and provide seminars on paper publication and various other information.

1.Publication Fee and Other Support

We support publication fees for papers submitted to international journals and the dissemination of published research results. Notification is made on-campus through the departmental administrative office before summer annually (see here for details: on-campus only).

2.Paper Publication Seminar

We provide seminars where researchers can learn how to write papers and make strategies for the publication of papers.
(Most recently held seminar: on-campus only)

3.Provision of Journal Lists and Paper Submission Support Information

We provide information on publications, including a list of journals that are expected to have a high proportion of top 10%papers, and a list of HU’s efforts to support the submission of papers. (Click here for the information: on-campus only)

4.Provision of Information on How to Use Paper Performance Analysis Tools

Information on how to use Clarivate Analytics’ InCites and Elsevier’s SciVal, two tools for analyzing the performance of papers available at HU, is provided. (Click here for information: on-campus only)