Accepting (日本語) URAの公募を開始しました
Accepting (日本語) 【2月12日】産学連携系公募事業 申請書の書き方セミナー開催のご案内
Finished (日本語) くらしあむジャーニー 2024年度夏 報告会
Accepting (日本語) URAの公募を開始しました
Accepting (日本語) 契約職員(特定専門職員)の募集を開始いたしました
Accepting (日本語) 契約職員(事務補佐員)の募集を開始いたしました
Finished (日本語) 契約職員(事務補佐員)の募集を開始いたしました
Finished (日本語) 契約職員(特定専門職員) (国際)の募集を開始しました
We have newly formulated our vision for 2030 and are working in close cooperation with the university executives, faculty, and administrative staff towards our three operational goals: 1) consolidating the university’s enriched research information, 2) strengthening our capacity for gathering updates on domestic and international research trends, and 3) actively collaborating with local communities in Hokkaido. We are especially focused on establishing a strong brand for the university that deserves its academic excellence, including its vast research fields best suited for “Practical Learning” that continue to attract researchers with frontier spirits.
MOREUnder the Governance of our university, we conduct a wide range of activities together with the research executive, administrative organization, each research faculty and bureau, researchers, and domestic and international research organizations.
Integrated URA Office provides researchers with various support measures to develop and acquire various sources of research funding, including Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI). We aim to increase the adoption rate and the amount of funds obtained through these support measures to further enhance academic research at Hokkaido University.
A place called Hokkaido tackles with some of the nation’s profound social issues. As the only national university in the region, we take a lead in the process of problem-solving by maximizing the academic advantages of accumulated knowledge and creating platforms for communication between our university and local communities or other institutions.
In order to respond swiftly to newly-created innovations and complex social issues, we find it essential to work together with external organizations. We encourage researchers' active engagement in comprehensive partnership agreements with other national research institutes, as well as manage new agreements and activities carried out under the responsibility of the partnerships.
With the variety of financial support and research opportunities we offer, we are committed to facilitate solutions to various social issues, generate innovative ideas, and enhance the quality and quantity of research activities on and off campus.
In collaboration with Many departments, we are involved in the planning of the university's research strategy. We also gather and analyze extensive university research information for the planning.
By utilizing world-class research forests and other typical resources, we enhance the university's research capabilities and value as a university that contributes to solving regional and global issues. We communicate the state of the University from the perspectives of the SDGs, ESG (e.g., CDP as a framework for climate change), and university rankings.
Aiming to promote further collaboration among URAs in the entire institution to provide researchers with enhanced assistance, we introduce and administer the URA certification system, along with temporal exchange of staff members.
We are planning to send URAs to universities participating in the Hokkaido University Alliance to strengthen research capabilities in Hokkaido. By building a URA network within Hokkaido, we aim to contribute to solving social issues and creating new industries in Hokkaido.
Visit our website to learn more about KAKENHI
and the variety of support programs we offer.