
- The Director is an Executive Director or a Vice President and is appointed by the President.
- The Deputy Director/General Manager is appointed by the President based on the recommendation of the Director.
- The Steering Committee is established to make decisions on important matters.
- Divisions
Strategic Planning Division:promotes university reform and supports university management, also strengthens research capabilities based on the research strategy of HU.
External Funding Division:plans and formulates strategies to obtain competitive research funding.
University Collaboration Division: is responsible for research collaboration and support with universities and local governments in Hokkaido, and provides operational support for the Hokkaido University Alliance.
Human Resources Training Division:is responsible for human skill development, education and training of URAs, operation of HU’s URA certification system, and activities related to certified URAs.
Member Placement at the Integrated URA Office
Members of the Integrated URA Office also have a concurrent position in another organization within the university and are involved in the organizational operations and projects. In the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Advanced Life Science, in particular, URAs assume an important role as the Director of the Executive Office for Research Strategy there. In this way, our flexible personnel system of placing URAs with pertinent expertise where they are needed has contributed to the smooth organizational and project operations.