Finished 【Close on 2/21】Call for Hokudai Senryu Contest Entries

Hokudai Senryu Contest 2024

Call for Hokkaido University Senryu Contest Entries

Theme: Hokkaido University and I
Entries are now open for the Senryu Contest under the theme of “Hokkaido University and I.”
Create a senryu about what you like about Hokudai or your thoughts and feelings at Hokudai.
It can be anything from what you discovered at Hokudai that you wish to share to even a little daily annoyance.
We welcome your entries in the form of very short poetry of three lines.
In March 2025, excellent pieces will be shown on our website and special awards will be given to particularly outstanding ones.

See the contest details on the flyer.

How to Submit Your Senryu

Entry Deadline:
Friday, February 21, 2025

To submit your entry, access the online form below.No limit on the number of entry
Submit your senryu whenever you are inspired! The website allows for quick and easy submissions for any Hokudai member.


●【Inquiries】Hokudai Senryu Committee 2024
・Contact: Fujita, Horiuchi, Ohe